Computer Addiction: Deffinition, Effects, Solution, Treatment

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What is called A Computer Addiction?

Computer Addiction is affecting our children with a very huge impact. It is not surprising that anyone can have a computer in their apartment. Computer technology and the Internet have made it possible to replace nearly all pleasures and needs. You can download movies and TV series from the Internet, chat on various forums, listen to music and order food and clothing.

Computer addiction treatment

Computer Addiction Effects:- Our Children’s Future Is At Risk

This means that the computer is small enough to replace a person with virtually the entire world, communication with other people, and any hobbies.

The worst thing about this situation is that most people don’t realize that computerization has negative effects on their physical and mental health.

The result is that people become psychologically dependent upon the computer world. He begins to live in an “other” world where all things are subject to his rules and laws.

Children aged 11-18 years are most at risk. Their nervous system is still unstable and unstable. It is easy to influence.

There are many instances of adult computer addiction, whereby people abandon their jobs and primary responsibilities to play games.

Although adults are less likely to be treated in these cases, children can still be saved.

Computer addiction in adolescents is a serious problem in our modern society. It has led to many tragic endings.

It may seem that some people think this is an exaggeration. Let’s remember recent cases where children brought guns to school and shot their classmates. Or the case of the Chinese girl who died from exhaustion from playing with one of the computer toys.

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What causes computer addiction? What is the solution?

Computer addiction Effect


It is actually quite easy to explain the reasons for computer addiction. Role-playing games are the most dangerous. They allow a teenager or child to be transported into virtual reality. He can use his skills and strength, but there is also a serious plot and real enemies.

Although toys such as arcades, reaction speed, and puzzles don’t cause such a reaction they are, in principle, not dangerous to the human psyche. The problem is that the player can see the world of the computer through the eyes of his character. This leads to a loss of connection between reality and virtuality, making it almost impossible to understand the purpose of life.

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Why is this happening? What is it that makes the child so “addicted to” this type of entertainment? Psychologists are almost unanimous in their opinion. They believe that happiness is a natural emotion.

The world has been taken over by computers

Playing is a positive experience for the child. This includes adrenaline, joy, and victory, which leads to the release of a hormone that gives pleasure.

The same processes occur in the brains of regular drug addicts. Computer addiction is more common in boys than it is in girls. They have more feelings of leadership, rivalry, and excitement.

What is the best way to help a child with gambling addiction?

Cyberadication is a scientific term for gambling addiction. It is most common in children who are not paid attention by their parents and lack communication with their peers.

The child becomes more immersed in computer games every day. They forget how to communicate with the real world. It is easier for them to be in the virtual world because they can be more powerful, dominant, and uncontrollable than their peers. As this happens, the child’s unstable psyche begins to have problems with self-identification. After that, a person starts to confuse the real world and the virtual.

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It is necessary to fight dependency

Nervous breakdowns, anger, and aggression are other signs of gambling addiction. When the child tries to distract themselves from the game, they become bored and lose interest in it. If you return to the computer, however, you will notice a change in your mood and outlook.

Along with psychological issues, there may also be physical problems such as back pain, vision problems, the curvature of the spine, and frequent headaches. Addicts try to spend all their time playing the game. They neglect hygiene and abandon household chores. They also tend to skip workouts and circle and attempt to make up for lost sleep by avoiding other activities.

This leads to the child becoming completely disconnected from the world and losing the ability to communicate with others.

How can you get rid of your computer addiction?

Conversations are the best thing. You can’t do this without creating restrictions and a new diet. But you can communicate with your child constantly, explaining why everything is different.

If your child is between 10-12 years of age, he may still attempt to ban something. However, if you are dealing with a teenager the prohibitions will not work.

As we’ve already mentioned, children are more likely to become addicted to virtual reality because they don’t pay enough attention to their parents. They can be too busy working or worrying about their lives, but that doesn’t excuse them from seeking help.

Surprisingly most older children are aware that they have a problem. Sometimes they even try to fix it. But they won’t succeed on their own.

Keep your child busy by organizing family dinners, dinners, and outings to the ocean. Also, get involved in sports education. Sports release the same joy hormones as computer games.

Limit computer gaming to no more than an hour per day. The main activity behind this limit is the preparation of homework and essays.

Be a role model for others. Don’t spend too much time on the computer. It is better to make time for your family. Seek help from a psychologist if you feel that you are unable to cope on your own. Make sure you prepare the child for this trip positively. This should not be a punishment, but an opportunity to improve your cognitive skills.

Don’t worry, your case will not be the first. The professionals are trained to help these children.